Well, I bought my dress! I bought it online at David's Bridal.com. You can search for style #BR1037 at http://www.davidsbridal.com/ if you really want to see what it looks like ahead of time. It should arrive at our place anytime between tomorrow and Friday. UPS says tomorrow, David's Bridal says Friday. I hope it's tomorrow! Thursday I go to the local DB store to purchase the accessories (lingerie, "Just Married" flip flops, you know, the basics) and score some discounts for my bridesmaids.
We FINALLY are making decisions on when and where this wedding thing is supposed to happen. I found out that while the City of Hollywood requires that you submit a permit accompanied by a $265 check in order to set up chairs, an arch and a runway, the City of Ft. Lauderdale (which has a MUCH prettier beach, by the way) let's you set all that up without submitting a permit which means FOR FREE. I love "FREE." It is first come first serve, however, and while the City says you can't block off an area of the beach from the general public, there's nothing wrong with setting up early!
In addition, I scored a low area room rate of $75/night at the Ft. Lauderdale Marriott North. They may host the reception as well, depending on whether or not Mario and I can afford their offers. Another option is a city community center (whether Hollywood or Ft. Lauderdale, along their beaches).
As soon as we have the reception venue secured, I can send invitations, bu
t I should figure out the transportation for those guests that will be staying at the hotel and needing to commute to the beach. There's the Sun Trolley in Ft. Lauderdale for rent, but I haven't gotten pricing information yet.

Can I just say that sticking to budget is a bit difficult?
My goal is to have the important things (when and where we're getting married and celebrating; invitations to out-of-town guests sent out) accomplished by the end of this month.
The rest will be a piece of cake.